Sly Stallone Denies Using N-Word

Sylvester Stallone Responds To Allegedly Using The “N Word

sylvester stallone defends himself after racial slur rumors

We knew he couldn’t have said anything THAT awful!

Sylvester Stallone stirred up some controversy when he allegedly used a racial slur on Thursday in response to a paparazzo.

Well it turns out he didn’t say that at all.

Frank Pesce , the man who was standing next to Sly at the time of the incident, said:

“I was with Sly the whole time, and he never said the N-word. The statement was made to a large muscular man in a white t-shirt with his hat on backwards who had been stalking him for more than an hour. Sly previously asked the paparazzi in a polite manner, ‘Please cut me a break.’ The paparazzi ignored him and continued to harass him. In response, Sly made the statement: ‘I know… Look at this f*cking idiot here.’”

Sounds reasonable, but of course his friend would say something like that!

Wrong! George Usher , a Sound Engineer and Analyst for two decades, studied the sound and cleaned it up to hear things better. He agreed that Sly said what Pesce said he did! Usher also added:

“I listen to sound professionally day in and day out, and I know what I heard. In my professional opinion, the audio confirms that Mr. Stallone did not use a racial epithet.”

Well, can’t argue with a professional!

The actor’s rep also added that Sly didn’t even hear about the rumors over what he did or didn’t say, otherwise he would have immediately addressed the situation.

Thank goodness this is all cleared up! It would be awful if Rocky turned out to be a racist.

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Key Terms…
  • N Word ↔ “nigger” (very offensive)
  • stirred up ↔ despertou, incitou
  • racial slur ↔ insulto/palavra racista
  • Well it turns out ↔ Bem, acontece que…
  • hat on backwards ↔ chapéu para trás
  • stalking ↔ perseguindo
  • a polite manner ↔ uma maneira educada
  • ‘Please cut me a break.’ ↔ ‘Por favor, me deixe em paz (dessa vez)”
  • harass ↔ atormentar
  • Sounds reasonable ↔ Parece razoável/possível
  • day in and day out ↔ todo dia
  • epithet ↔ epíteto; termo insultuoso
  • rep ↔ (representative – agente)
  • addressed ↔ dirigido-se a; tratado de
  • Thank goodness ↔ Graças a Deus
  • all cleared up ↔ tudo esclarecido, resolvido
  • awful ↔ terrível


stirred up despertou, incitou
stir up a hornet’s netmexer em casa de marimbondo
The impending vote on Props 1, 2 and 3 has stirred up quite a bit of controversy.  
And for now, these are the GE foods that have stirred up the biggest controversy.  
It stirred up the hornet’s nest of the dormant feelings toward the mandate itself.  
Jersey Shore stirred up controversy before the first episode hit the airwaves.  
racial slur insulto/palavra racista
A derogatory nick-name generally used when talking shit about people from a specific race
Well it turns out Bem, acontece que…
It turned out true. ↔Confirmou-se.
It turned out that we received a million dollars. ↔Acabou que nós recebemos um milhão de dólares.
Descobre-se que Roger está simplesmente tendo um caso de azia. ↔It turns out that Roger is simply having a bad case of heartburn.
stalking perseguindo
If you don’t stop stalking me, I’ll arrest your ass, you old psycho!
I broke up with that loser, and then he started stalking me.
‘Please cut me a break.’ ‘Por favor, me deixe em paz (dessa vez)”
to give someone a break; to allow someone a reprieve from the consequences of an action
I was only a few minutes late! Cut me a break! Don’t dock my pay!
Cut me some slack and I’ll be sure to pay you all I owe in a month.
harass atormentar
Apesar de não termos nada a esconder, não queremos ser incomodados. ↔Although we have nothing to hide, we do not want to be harassed.
Cyberbullies frequentemente buscam alguma reação das pessoas a quem assediam. ↔Cyberbullies often seek a reaction from the people they harass.
day in and day out todo dia
I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.
Life can become very tedious if you do the same work day in, day out.
Dave wore the same tie day in and day out.
I am so bored! I do the same thing day in, day out.
addressed dirigido-se a; tratado de
“I find myself at a loss as to how best to address the situation.
Existem regras suficientes a nível internacional para abordar a situação. ↔There are sufficient rules internationally to address the situation.
Desejo propor-vos algumas iniciativas concretas para enfrentar a situação. ↔I now wish to propose to you some concrete initiatives to address the situation.
Consoante cada categoria são necessárias diferentes medidas para resolver a situação. ↔For each of these groups of countries, the type of measures most adequate to address the situation will differ.
all cleared up tudo esclarecido, resolvido
to explain or solve (a mystery, misunderstanding, etc.)
After 20 years the case has finally been cleared up.
They never cleared up the mystery of the missing money.


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